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このページは 平成28年度_ふくいろキラリ の電子ブックに掲載されている117ページの概要です。
このページは 平成28年度_ふくいろキラリ の電子ブックに掲載されている117ページの概要です。
[印刷会社のものづくり1 71[ものづくりの話をしよう成果報告集W210×H297mm表紙…………TSギフトウォームグレー200k見返し……………………イルミカラー#80黄扉……イルミカラー#80青・黄橙・桃・緑・赤P3-P10……………………ポルカそば90kP11-P58……エアラススーパーホワイト120kP59-P74…ファーストヴィンテージオーク69kP75-P94…………………ポルカメレンゲ90kP95-P110…………………マットコート110kP111-P126…………………ポルカそば90kThe Design and Manufacturing of a Printing CompanyThe book you are looking at now is a product of industry-university-government collaboration.Support for the small- and mid-size manufacturers in the prefecture is ongoing, and will soon reach its five year milestone.We have collected a variety of example achievements, the fruits of our labor, in this single volume.Along with the compass, paper making and gunpowder,“printing”is historically significant for being one of the Four Great Inventions of the world.The modern world has become a time when printing also encompasses multimedia,and there is a desire for creativity which gives birth to new products. Yamakawa Printing will celebrate its 80th anniversary in 2017,and we will continue to include our wealth of knowledge into our production.Our company not only prints, but also plans, designs, writes, photographs, and even introduces video clips and websites via print.To convey the splendor of printed goods. To convey the feelings of everyone involved.Making this catalogue isn’t our only job. We offer“what lies beyond printing”, as you can see in this catalogue.Let’s Talk About Design and Manufacturingcollection of accomplishmentsYamakawa Printing Co.,LTD.